Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mom's Advice: "It's always best to start with a clean face!"

Mom here… I’m glad you finally decided to listen! My daughter realized that maybe mom COULD be right! Well, let me start by telling you a little about me. I’ve been a cosmetologist for 15+ years so you could say I have a little experience in the field. At one point I owned my own salon, and believe me, THAT was an adventure in itself! I especially love cutting hair but I also have some makeup tips that will save you time and money! I don’t do fancy stuff at all. I’m a ‘back-to-the-basics’ kinda person – why fix something if it’s not broken?!

I’ve always said that starting with a clean face is the best way to prime your face for makeup. Every so often, I’ll use my vinegar-based toner. It is very gentle and all natural. It effectively removes makeup and cleanser residue and primes your face for makeup by neutralizing the pH of your skin. Your makeup goes on smooth also promotes an even skin tone.

Remember chemistry class? Acids and bases react! Pollution and old makeup can leave your skin very alkaline (basic!). The vinegar is acidic. The acid and base reacts and the reaction REALLY cleans your face! In my opinion, just using face primers or other creams without effectively cleaning your face just covers up the pollution and old makeup residue. New makeup starts as a neutral pH so after using this toner you won’t get a reaction when you put the new makeup on your skin because there aren’t any alkaline substances to react!

Here's the recipe: Fill a large mixing bowl about half full with cold water (about 4-6 cups). Add a little splash of apple cider vinegar (about 1/8 cup). This doesn’t have to be exact, just estimate! Using your hands, rinse your face with the mixture 5-8 times.

Promise me you’ll eat your vegetables! They’re good for you!


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